ear every leader, the judges, dear colleagues:
everybody is good! lenin said: "the power of example is endless." exampleis the coordinates of the life, is the guide of the career success, is thekabuli flags, excitation are its horn.
on the way of growth, in a professional career, there is always a strongmotivation to help us grow, and she is our friend in our life, it is the bestteacher in our work. perhaps, they will not have mr. wu that iron hit back stillplay pain over 20 people keep safe parking brave bear life; there will be noli-li zhang the critical moment for heroic rescue him child was run over fallunder the wheel of the noble sentiments; there will be no tie-cheng gao in theface of raging fire three into three out save, finally burns great feats ofsyncope. but they should not be underestimated.
rural credit cooperatives is a school, a book. i learned a lot of here. yousee, you very much.as point chaozhi from new to old, many of its people sweatand effort. you listen to, and the keyboard of taps, broke the silence how manynight?
its work in jilin, let me feel the deepest, is an excellent team can betterfinish the work tasks, a good role model can bring more people to progress. allaround us, there are many such advanced example, they asked their high standardsand to work hard, wuxi, solid hard work, innovation; they always put theinterests of enterprises and customers in the first place, with a strong andpersistent practice quality service pledge; they work and industry and industry,fulfill their duties, the foothold official duty, not soaring ambition; theyfocus on solve the various problems in practical work, practice good businessability, to adapt to the needs of the new business skills. their discipline, notfor the family, not for money, like a proud cold plum, noble character. let mefeel, years, there is always a group of people in inspiring me, inspire me;there is always a kind of spirit, i work hard; there is always a force quantitylet me confident, drives me forward.
like my old leader, urban credit cooperatives branch secretary zhi-junzhou. he took part in 30 years, its first in a bookkeeper and the loan officer,such as accounting, deputy director, director positions. either as a primarycredit management, or in a line as an ordinary employee, he is always strictwith himself with a communist party member's standard. in his creditcooperatives, director of more than 20 years, he is humble, steadfast work,diligence is not idle. treat subordinates close love, treat customers sincerely,give youth selfless help and care for employees, establish a fine image ofexecutives at the grassroots level, has been widely respect and love.
in the rain, coming softly. if you are a drop of water, you moisten an inchof land? if you are a ray of sunshine, you light up a dark? if you are a food,whether you has nurtured useful life? if you are the smallest screw, do youalways stick to your work station? this is a great communist fighter lei feng inhis diary of a passage is worth our serious thinking.
have a kind of feelings flowing in the blood vessels, engraved in my heart,and this kind of feeling called thanksgiving; there is a feeling in the heart,flash on jobs, this kind of feeling called career.
our art is its is such a great cause, she is brewed with their sweat andstruggle of the blood of nectar, improves the fragrance; she was built withunremitting pursuit and eternal perseverance is solid walls -; she is with hopeand good depth to yearn for the wearer, rainbow - gorgeous brilliant. she let meunderstand, model can be a person, can be a team; can be a big project, also canbe an unusually small thing. she let me understand, the sample is a list ofordinary can learn, model is superior to emulate, an example is the cantranscend stage, just we need to do better, but we need to insist. because,yesterday is based on, keep on keeping on today call into, insist on tomorrow'ssuccess. so, dear friends, please cheer for me, wish me success!
my speech ended, thank you!
没有什么比师德的阳光更有无穷的魅力了, 没有什么比师德的榜样更有无比强大的力量了。走上三尺讲台,教书育人;走下三尺讲台,为人师表。教师不仅是社会主义精神文明的建设者和传播者,更是莘莘学子们的道德基因的转接者。