科技,一把“双刃剑” 田紫嫣 科技, 让无数人为它趋之若鹜。无数的人,都渴望走进那神圣的科技殿堂。 正是凭着科技,人们创造出了一个个不朽的奇迹,譬如汽车;正是凭着科技,人们得出了一个个真实的结论,譬如地心引力然而,科技也
是一把双刃剑,提高了我们的生活质量,但也给我们的生存环境带来了隐患,你知道吗? 现在,家家户户几乎都开着汽车,我们家也新买了一辆。汽车豪华而宽敞,就像是一座“移动的房屋”。在里面可以听音乐、看视频,只要保证流通的空气,甚至可以睡觉。坐在汽车上,开启车窗,清新的风儿扑面而来,那滋味别提多爽了;仰望着蓝天白云,背靠着软软的沙发,令人心旷神怡。而且,汽车的速度非常快,是旅游的上上之选。可是,凡事有利必有弊,汽车也不可幸免。其一:汽车比较耗油,偏偏汽油很贵,一升就得七、八元,还时不时涨价,简直就是只吃不吐的大黑洞;况且,为了汽车的美观,汽车上掉点鸟屎、被刮了点漆、车座太脏什么的,都要去洗洗换换,又得花掉很多钱;再有,汽车每年交的保险也不便宜。唉,自从有了汽车,俺老妈的钱包总是瘪瘪的啦!其二:汽车的尾烟非常污染空气,那鸣笛声也很刺耳,若是人长期生存在这种环境里,极其危害身体健康。唉,我多么希望汽车喷出来的是清澈的水汽,汽笛声可以变成优美动听的音乐啊! 与高科技产品汽车相比,自行车“返璞归真”就有很多好处了。多骑自行车可以强身健体,而且没有尾烟,它的铃声也很清脆悦耳。可是,自行车也有弊端呀! 真是“金无足赤,车无完车”。自行车的速度不快,去哪儿旅游还不得累死?雨天要穿雨衣,否则就得淋成落汤鸡;没有空调,夏天热得汗流浃背也没办法。 瞧,科技在发展,任何事物都有利有弊吧! 现在,很多东西都是用木头做的:小到木筷子,大到木家具,还有造纸、建房可与此同时,森林也在快速地消亡。“十年树木”啊,人们栽种的意识还没有普及,植树的速度也远远跟不上。试想一下,森林资源在不断减少,它们可是地球的“绿化工程师”啊!工厂中源源不断地生产着各类高科技产品,可是,黑烟却从烟囱里冒出来,污染着空气。那些肆意排放的污水也让小河不再清澈,鱼儿们就算没被毒死,体内也满是毒素。唉,如果继续这样下去,地球上的新鲜空气还能存在多久呢? 时代在进步,科技在发展。可我,一个五年级的小学生,却要高呼:科技,一把双刃剑!用得不好,会害人害己。
in recent years, studying abroad has flourished. thousands of schloars and students have gone to foreign countries to study. many people are sparing no effort in applying for going abroad.
attending schools abroad has many advantages. in the first place, students who have studied abroad can act as mediators between peoples of different cultures so as to promote international understanding. secondly, we can learn much more advanced knowledge of science and technology from the foreign countries. thirdly, we can enjoy the contact with new and different cultures so as to increase the awareness of our own culture. fourthly, we can learn a foreign language more quickly.
however, studying abroad may have disadvantages such as language barrier in the first few months or financial difficulties before getting a scholarship. in spite of these, the advantages greatly outweigh the disadvantages. it is advisable to attend schools abroad.
module ef5231
academic writing for non-native
speakers of english
assessment 002
jiacheng-cao (rex)
12 december 2014
essay title:
the use of technology in education has increased in recent years. discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using technology in education, with regard to both teachers and students. give examples from your own experience of studying to support your argument.
technology in classroom is not new. indeed, technology has been around in education for decades-one and might be argued for centuries, if we classify the blackboard as a form of technology. "tape recorders, language laboratories tape recorders, language laboratories and video have been in use since the 1960s and 1970s, and are still used in classrooms around the world. computer-based materials for language teaching, often referred to as call (computer assisted language learning), appeared in the early 1980. ”(dudeney, 2007, p8)
technology is a tool in the classroom which tries to constantly improve the quality of teaching and the efficiency to allow people to become easier and more convenient in learning through science and technology tools. technology products have been gradually integrated into our life, and even have become an integral part of our lives. there are many technology products used in education. it has become a hotly-debated issue, whether the educator should greatly accept the development of technology. advocates of using technology in education argue that the science and technology can effectively improve studying, such as network education system, computer and multimedia tools. they are the leading cause of improving education diversity. however, other people believe that school should follow the traditional education. there are many uncertainties in technology products. students may be faced with many temptations and adverse influences from technology products. technology in the classroom needs to spend a lot of money. they claimed that it is wasteful, unwise and unacceptable. this essay intends to explain the pros and cons with use the technology in education.
first of all, the computer is the most representative of technology products usedin education. it can offer a range of services and convenience for students to study, suchas e-learning, reading online and researchinginformation. with the help of these resources, the students' learning will be improved greatly. clark (2008, p 37) claimsthat “reading online content is similar to reading printed material, but online material is designed
very differently from a book.” student will no longer worry about takinga number of books to school. aside from convenience, distance education programs can be economical and environmentally friendly. it is not necessary to connect with the internet; it will beeasy to find a book which read. maybe in the near futuree-books will replace paper books.
furthermore, tele-education has been increasinglypopular on the internet. wireless fidelity is now widely available on trains and in hotels, cafes, libraries and a variety of other public spaces. (clark .2008) students can use lap-top, ipad or mobile phone to study anywhere by connecting tothe internet. technology provides the possibility of learning whileon a bus or outside. it is not necessary to own the technology produce; the cybercafés has already offered the service. it is only necessary to pay a little money then to use theircomputers. even if far away from home or college, the students also can carry on with their studies. (clark, 2008) technology products are available to the learning spaces. in the students' learning sites are not limited at school or at home. the way and place of studyingis also becoming flexible.
on the other hand, technology products also bring some threat to students ’study. although technology products can bring convenience to study, it may also influence them in undesirable ways. people like to use e-learning because they can save every-thing. there is no need to read the material or make any particular effort tounderstand the content. it may lead to impairing the ability of students to analyst information and it may beeasy to make mistakes in their studying. (clark,2008) students will growdependent on learning tools to study and it may reduce their autonomous learning. over relying on electronic products may take a heavy toll on student’s study.
moreover, contacting with electronic products and network for a long time may easily suffer from a series of threat, such as, internet addiction, internet pornography and cyber-violence. admittedly, exposure to violent movies may lead to aggressive and antisocial behaviors. an avid pursuit of science and technology products probably may lead to internet crime. many parents said that children’s’ prolonged time working on the computer easily lead to testiness, decadence and selfishness. a growing volume of experience suggests that under the impact of negative net-culture, youths willpower is
weakened, which results in the increase of juvenile delinquency, personality defects, and damages to their physical, emotional and mental well-being.
technology not only plays an important role in students’ study but also influences the teachers’ job. students studying in school may find that technological devicesare increasinggradually. undoubtedly, the technology devices have become an indispensable part of educational tool in the classroom.
firstly, technology products probably offer a lot of information for teachers to prepare for their teaching.dudendy claimed that (2007, p8) technology is offered with published materials such as radio, photo or resource books for teachers. for example, in the internet an educator could find numerous materials and create a power-point courseware. class education will not be trapped in text reading, because technology can provide the condition which would makes the course moreeiching, interesting and easier to grab the attention of the students. according to experience, technology products have a great probability ofimproving the quality of teaching and promoting education.
furthermore, technology may help teachers to increase their efficiency and reduce workload in the school education. davies stated that (2010, p8) “if designed appropriately, computer-assisted assessment offers a number of benefits that can enhance learning and reduce the workload of administrators.” for example, assessments online, it can access a greater range of locations for paper examinations. teachers could transport students’ work from home and access grades from multiple locations. teachers may also teach in a tele-teaching format, whichallowsthem to potentially take on more students and course sections because meeting times are more flexible or non-existent. experience suggested that online assessment is feasible. students could submit their assessment to the campus network system, and then the teacher could check the homework and return marks, all online.
while technology use in education could bring a range of benefits, however, it also has some limitations. technology is essential for teachers but there are some instances
正方:关于科技发展是利大还是弊大这个辨题,我方辨友一致认为科技发展利大于弊.人类的生存方式,20万年前与10万年前相比,不会有太大的改变;3000年前与20xx年前相比,不会有太大的改变;600年前与500年前相比,不会有太大的改变。但是,今人与古人其实早已今非昔比,即使是现在与100年前相比,也已完全不一样。是什么推动了人类历史的发展?是什么让人类开始了新的生存方式? 我说,这便是科技,是科技的发展才推动了人类的进程,是科技的发展才使人类有着这崭新又美好的生活。纵观千古,哪朝哪代不是重视科技的发展?回首过去,看四大发明,独具鳌头;观天文历法,为之惊叹;览赵州拱桥,设计精妙;窥《本草纲目》,东方巨典;瞻圆周率值,七位小数;眺丝绸之路,发展经济;端青花瓷器,扬名海外。科技发展是强国之路,科技发展是中华民族进步的第一动力,没有科学,我们哪来的今天的幸福生活?没有科技,我们哪来的舒适的物质生活与精神享受?没有科技的进步,我们哪能吃到杂交二号?我们哪能穿上全棉衣服,我们哪能住进高楼大厦?
反方:在原始时代,人类只需地表面的资源就能生活,只需要溪水,树上的果子,草籽等生活资源也能其乐浓浓啊.后来出现了工具 ,然后养殖,资源利用到破土一尺,再后来煤矿,金属等资源深入到底下100米,再后来深入5000米,人类加速的向地球深层索取资源,当人类利用地核资源时,地球也就到了灭绝的时候了,对方辩友,这足以说明科技发展总有一天回毁灭地球的,到时候也是聪明反被聪明误啊!
正方:科学技术是第一生产力,高新技术及其产业促进了了国民经济的发展,可以说高新技术及其产业已成为当代科技发展的火车头科学技术改变人们的思想观念,提高人们的生活水平,促进了社会主义文明的发展。 科学发展可以反映一个国家的经济发展水平和国民经济素养。科学技术是第一生产力,是先进生产力的集中体现和主要标志。我过要发展生产力,提高经济效益,首先要靠科学技术的发展。从构成生产力的要素来看,科学技术可以使劳动工具得到不断改善和更新,可以提高劳动者素质,可以使劳动对象得到充分利用。总之,科技发展可以极大地解放生产力,甚至产生新的产业部门和导致国民经济的突飞猛进。我们要坚持科教兴国战略,才能使经济增长方式摆脱粗放型的老路,转移到以提高经济效益为中心的轨道上来,切实注重经济发展的质量和效益电视在生活中是不可缺少的。我们可以看新闻,了解国内外的事;可以看动画片,放松一下;还可以不去现场看节目、表演;比如说,这次奥运会吉祥物揭晓,就可以在家看转播等等一系列的科技着实给我们带来好处,所以我方坚持认为科技发展利大与弊!
反方: 当今社会,科学发展迅速,许多高科技产品不断涌现,电脑、汽车、洗碗机、洗衣机已经走入寻常人家的生活。它们确实给我们的生活带来了不少便利,但是与此同时,它们也使人类的基本能力逐渐丧失。有了电脑,人们不再用人脑去思考一些东西,因为只要利用电脑就能办到;有了汽车,人们不再习惯走路散步,取而代之的是开车兜风;有了洗碗机,人们不再用手去洗碗,也许有一天人类会忘记怎样洗碗。科技的发展,让人欢喜让人忧。喜的是它给我们的生活提供了最大的便利,忧的是它终有一天会让电脑代替人脑,机器代替双手,到时主宰这个世界的不再是我们自以为聪明的人类,而是那些人类发明的机器!所以,我认为:科技的发展会抑制人的全面发展! 再如飞机、火箭、网络、卫星最初都是为军事的战争而出现的相同的科技在为人类造福的同时也被用作毁灭人类的帮凶。所以我方认为:科技发展弊大于利!