
 2024-11-15 23:18:38

摘要:通过写好作文,我们可以培养自己的语文思维,认真审题是写作的基本功,它能够帮助我们把握作文的重点和要点,下面是小编为您分享的20243月六级作文8篇,感谢您的参阅。20243月六级作文篇11)sth wi



1)sth will make our life more enjoyable, that is to say, sth can add color to the dull routine of every day life. 。。。能让我们的生活更美好,也就是说,。。。可以给我们枯燥的生活带来色彩

2)for the majority of people, reading or learning a new skill has become the focus of their lives and the source of their happiness and contentment 对于很多人来说,学习一门新技术占据了他们的生活和充实了他们的生活。

3)。。。。。, by occupying spare time so constructively, makes a person contented, with no time for boredom.。。。占据了某人大部分时间,使得某人没空想东想西(充实了某人生活)

4)what's more, living in school can save them a great deal of time on the way between home and school everyday, so they would be able to concentrate more time and energy on their academic work. 住校为学生省去了不少时间,这样学生可以把更多的时间用在学习上

5)little by little, our knowledge will be well enriched, and our horizons will be greatly broadened. 一点一滴,这样做可以丰富我们的知识和拓宽我们的视野

6)for people who want to adopt a healthy and meaningful life style, it is important to find time to learn certain new knowledge. just as an old saying goes: it is never too late to learn.对于想过一种有意义的人来说,抽空学习一门新技术很重要

7)the majority of students believe that part-time job will provide them with more opportunities to develop their interpersonal skills, which may put them in a favorable position in the future job markets.兼职可以让学生们学习个人技巧,这样可以在找工作时更有竞争力

8)by taking a major-related part-job, students can not only improve their academic studies, but gain much experience, experience they will never be able to get from the textbooks.学生不仅可以提高学习成绩,还可以获得在课本上学不到的工作经验

9)now people in growing numbers are beginning to believe that learning new skills and knowledge contributes directly to enhancing their job opportunities or promotion opportunities.

10)1sth can produce positive effects on …in more than one way.什么东西可带来好影响 2sth may bring about negative impacts on …什么东西可带来不好的影响






1.论证 the importance of honesty and how to develop it;

2.论证一句名言或者谚语:honesty is the wisest strategy.

3.直接给出论证标题:my view on honesty

当然这里的诚信也可以换成乐观自信等品质,但是依然可以套用以下素材范文,只需要把honesty替换为being optimistic 或者 self-confidence 即可。

题目:the mportance of honesty and how to develop it


we often hear such a remark “honesty is the wisest strategy." simple as the saying is, it demonstrates the great significance of being honest.what this remark tells us is that honesty plays an important role in working wonders (解释谚语).


much attention should be paid to the importance of honesty. for one thing, honesty serves as one of the cornerstones on one's way to success(观点1:个人方面).in fact, it has generally been accepted that honesty is the most essential qualification that anyone who wants to achieve success should possess. only by sticking to our goals when encountering setbacks and failures can we overcome all the difficulties and hardships in the way, gaining what we really want. for another, honesty plays a crucia role in attaining national prosperity and strength ( 观点2:国家和社会方面).when all of us in the society work together and pursue our dreams with persistence. our nation will become more and more flourishing, making everyone enjoy the happiness of living in it.


to take what has been discussed into consideration, it's undoubted that honesty is of great importance in an individualrs achievements as wel as in one nation’s greatness. as long as we have the trait of honesty. we will turn our own dreams into reality and make contrbutions to the development of our society.(总结全文)


at present, some colleges and universities permit their students to select lecturers of some courses by themselves. after all, some teachers are very boring and some required subjects are probably not very practical.

several fundamental factors are considered when students selecting their lecturers. first and foremost, a good instructor should be able to interest and motivate their classes. students will learn more quickly and thoroughly from a teacher who makes the subject matter come alive for them. what is more, an outstanding tutor should spend time and energy organizing and preparing the lessons.

good as selecting lecturers is, it also has its own disadvantages. on the one hand, if students can choose their own curriculum, they can generally do better in subjects that interest them. on the other hand, given the high pressure to make good grades, many students will misuse the opportunity and naturally choose the easier subjects rather than the harder ones. it is high time that we attached importance to this issue.


nowadays, global warming is becoming a concern to people all over the world. as is know to all, global warming results from two main reasons. on the one hand, factories produce large amounts of green house gases. on the other hand, intensive deforestation contributes to the rise of temperature. admittedly, global warming will cause terrible effects. first of all, with the temperature going up, some animals and plants will die out. additionally, crops will produce less. worse still, it will bring about the rise of the sea level. faced with this threat, we should take measures to solve it. i consider it advisable to cut down the sending out of the greenhouse gases. moreover, more importance should be attached to planting trees.



different people have different ambitions. when children study at school, they already have their own ideals. stone want to be engineers or doctors in the future. others want to be artists or businessmen. still others want to be teachers or lawyers. but few want to be farmers. unlike most people, i choose to be a farmer in the future and make contributions to development of agriculture. agriculture is essential to the national economy and the people's livelihood. without it there won't be grains on which people survive. nevertheless, farmers are ignored, even looked down upon by urban people. i determine to challenge the traditional idea and contribute to changing this situation. however, lt is not easy to he a modern farmer in the 21st century. a modern farmer must be equipped with a variety of knowledge such as chemlstry, biology and meteorology. therefore, i must study conscientiously from now on so that i can get the chance to study as a postgraduate in an agricultural university. i believe only a man with scientific knowledge can meet the challenge of the 21st century and assume the task of modernizing agriculture.




never give up

“never give up” can be very encouraging words, but the majority of youngsters are likelyto give up regardless when dealing with the ordinary difficulties of life. as one example, manyyoung people are reluctant to continue their english study when they feel difficulty learningnew words. but if one takes “never give up” as a motto, possibilities and opportunities areexpanded。

it is true that giving up may make things temporarily easier, but what cannot be denied isthat new opportunities arise from perseverance. never giving up can expand one’s possibilityfor success. when confronted with something unknown, a little bravery can result in thepossibility of success, like when dr. fleming discovered penicillin. meanwhile, the sense ofnever giving up enhances one’s self-confidence. this makes one more likely to try new things,opening up even more new opportunities. it can even be a benefit to personal relationships。

in view of all factors, never giving up is crucial to the pursuit of dreams. even though toilslie in the way, success is at the other end。




没错,放弃可能使事情暂时变得容易,但不可否认的是,坚持不懈就会有新的机会出现。永不放弃能增加人们成功的机会。在面对未知事物时,一点点勇气就可能 带来成功,就像弗雷明教授发现青霉素一样。与此同时,永不放弃的意识可以增强一个人的自信,让人们更有可能尝试新事物,开启更多的新机会,甚至有利于人际 关系。



i think it is necessary for a university student to have a correct idea of consumption.

first,consumption according to our own needs, but also to suit our needs.second,consumption should be independent, not to repeat word for word what others say, do not follow the crowd, what head.third,consumption should be coordinated, not only heavy material consumption and ignore the spiritual consumption.fourth,consumer spending should be with their income to adapt and moderate consumption.

at last ,we need to avoid the blindness and rational consumption.if we do that, we will have a correct view of consumption.


1. 又过了一会儿,夕阳那微弱的光芒给大地披上了蝉翼般的光彩。云朵披上了金辉,像少女一样姗姗而行,渐渐靠近江面。天边飘着几块白云,宛如鲜艳夺目的彩缎,装饰着红蓝色的天空。在夕阳温馨的光辉里,勤劳纯朴的人们踏着艰辛,卸下肩头沉重的犁耙,夕阳赐给他们圣洁的光环,把岁月的疲惫和生活的沉重圈起来,赋予她们轻松。夕阳把她的一切都赐给人间,献给大地,这才有了万缕霞光,有了绮丽的山水,有了宁静的山乡和勤劳质朴的人。这时,夕阳已接近西山。西边的天空一片通红,把青山的轮廓清清楚楚地勾画出来。夕阳映在水库的水面上,金光闪闪,好像这水库是由无数的碎金填成的,晃得人睁不开眼睛。在夕阳的映照下,火红的晚霞,黝黑的山峦,银色的水面……多么美丽的景色啊!

2. 坐在窗前,阳光穿过薄纱,变得朦胧而迷离。抬望眼,看见美丽的夕阳,尽绽光芒。在不经意间,夕阳无声的记录下我们的点滴,用它锋利的光,在天空镌刻下我们生命中漏去的记忆,填补空白。天空被夕阳染上了血红色,桃红色的云彩倒映在江面上,整个江面焕然一新,此时此刻,天边像燃起了熊熊烈火。太阳收起刺眼的光芒,变成一个金灿灿的圆球,周围的云更加绚丽多姿,时儿像小狗,时儿像小鸟,时儿像桃花……远处巍峨的山丘在夕阳映照下仿佛涂上了一层金粉,显得格外瑰丽。

3. 抬头一望,夕阳已藏起了半个脸,好快啊。不知不觉,夕阳只剩下一条边了,又过了一会儿,夕阳只剩下一条缝了。我生怕它在我眨眼之间完全落下去,因此,我强瞪着眼睛来挽留这最后时刻的美景。但是,夕阳像是故意跟我过不去似的,偏偏在我眨眼之间消失得无影无踪了。但山边仍有夕阳的余晖。过了好久,那绯红的晚霞才彻底地消失。大地顿时暗淡下来。此时,我仿佛失掉了什么似的,心中升起莫名的惆怅。瞧,那一朵朵白黄相间的云朵,一朵连着一朵给夕阳织成了一件金红色羽绒服,不一会儿,又变成红色,把太阳打扮得像公主似的。俯视江面,一道残阳像一支箭一样射到水面上,像无数的鱼儿在跳跃。

4. 起初,天空周围一片橙黄,正空中泛起了鱼肚白。太阳的影子映在池塘里,他好象在给自己做睡前的化妆。不一会,太阳周围出现了一圈含羞的红云,远处的小孩嚷了起来:太阳公公害羞了,拿云遮住自己的脸……我不禁笑了,引起了无穷的遐想……等我清醒过来的时候,发现太阳已经溜走了一大段路程了。此时,鱼塘中泛起微微的红光,水中的鱼儿,太阳的光儿,它们在一起嬉戏着,不知有多开心呢。再仰面看看太阳,他已经是个垂暮的老人,却也并没放弃最后的挣扎,努力同已决定的真理——西落——挑战。他变成一个红苹果一个鸡蛋黄……黑夜就要来了,太阳挂在了西边的一座山顶上了,好似一个欲坠的红皮球,慢慢的,慢慢的向山脚滚下,最后完全消失了。

5. 傍晚,漫步海边,迟迟不肯归去,因为夕阳的美将我的心留住了,使我流连忘返。阳光洒在波光粼粼的海面上,像为大海披上了一件金色外衣,金灿灿的,是那样的诱人。太阳形如火球,全身被耀眼的火焰包裹着,虽说没有中午那样强烈,但也不可轻视它的威力。渐渐地,金灿灿的阳光变为了橙黄色,开始变得柔和,妩媚动人。


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